Wine Lovers’ Afternoon at Tianjin Yan Yuan International Hotel
时间:2020-08-27 15:43:54 来源:网上天津
[导读]Wine Lovers’ Afternoonat Tianjin Yan Yuan International HotelThe recently renovated garden of Tianjin Yan Yuan...

at Tianjin Yan Yuan International Hotel
The recently renovated garden of Tianjin Yan Yuan International Hotel was the perfect venue to host the wine-tasting afternoon on Sunday, 16 August. This event has become very popular amongst locals and foreigners alike, as could be seen by the number of guests and the happy chatter and clinking of glasses.


The stars of the day were the wines, of course.
From Beijing, EMW Fine Wines suppliers brought a selection of excellent wines from France and Italy, both of which are famous for their wines. Aimee, EMW’s representative, delighted the guests with a brief overview of the wine-making process, and explained how to do proper wine tasting: swirling the wine in the glass to release the flavours, smelling the aroma, taking a sip and keeping it in the mouth to fully experience the taste. Professional wine tasters usually spit the wine into a special bucket, but fortunately, our guests could just enjoy and drink the wine!
来自北京的EMW公司带来了法国和意大利精选优质葡萄酒。EMW 代表郭金雪女士向大家介绍了葡萄酒的制作过程以及如何适当品酒。郭女士为客人描述了每一种葡萄酒的品质,客人们有机会品尝来自法国的天然起泡酒Pierre Chainier Brut以及红葡萄酒Pierre Chainer Les Calcalaires Noir和白葡萄酒Les Calcaires Sauvignon Blanc等。

Mr Shi, representative of Zhi Elephant International Trade, entertained guests with a visual tour of the wine region in Portugal, explaining the centuries-old tradition of winemaking. The Estribo de Ouro selection included many award-winning wines. Then it was time to taste Arinto Bravo 2017 and Samarrinho White 2017, both white wines, and Estribo de Ouro Reserva Doc Do Tejo 2017, a very deep and satisfying red wine. From the Sibio wine selection, guests were treated to a rare tasting of different dessert wines: Sibio Reserva Tawny Porto, Porto Reserva Ruby and Sibio 10 Years Old Tawny Porto – the queen of the night.
来自天津执大象国际贸易(天津)有限公司代表时洋先生向宾客们介绍了来自葡萄牙的优质葡萄酒,葡萄牙也是波特酒的产地。执大象公司是葡萄牙皇家酒庄REAL COMPANHIA VELHA 的"SIBIO" "HOOPERS"品牌中国代理以及葡萄牙卡尔塔索合作酿酒厂" ESTRIBO DE OURO " 的品牌代理。时先以葡萄牙葡萄酒产区的视觉之旅为嘉宾们带来了启迪,并讲解了数百年来的酿酒传统。SIBIO葡萄酒精选中,客人们品尝到了各种与葡萄酒搭配的甜点, 而有10年历史的波尔图葡萄酒是当晚当之无愧的女王。


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